Show Yourself Approved
II Timothy 2:15
Show Yourself Approved
II Timothy 2:15
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While purchasing a book will help to defray expenses I will make the book available for free for anyone who wants one. Additionally, if you purchase the print book, contact me and I will send you the audiobook and e-book for free.
This book has been a labor of love. It’s involved nearly a year of researching, writing, and editing, but it has enriched my life and I hope it enriches yours. The eBook version will regularly be available here at no cost (only limited when Amazon Select prohibits it.) We are making the PDF and ePub versions of this book available to download here.
The only thing we ask is that you honestly consider it and share it with others. If you are willing, we need more reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. Reviews and word of mouth will help get it into as many hands as possible.form
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